Please note: If you or someone you care for is experiencing a psychiatric emergency, please call the crisis hotline (MOCARS) 24-hours a day, 7 days a week at 800-356-5395.
Ozarks Healthcare (OZH) Behavioral Health Center (BHC) offers efficient and effective mental health services to children and adults including individual, couples, and family counseling. In addition, BHC provides case management, anger management, group therapy, and medication services to help reduce the severity and duration of mental health disorders. Our team of psychiatrists, social workers, nurse practitioners, nurses, Community Support Specialists, Peer Specialists, Family Support Providers, and counselors provide convenient, comprehensive care to keep our community mentally healthy.
If you or someone you care for is experiencing a psychiatric emergency, call the crisis hotline (MOCARS) 24-hours a day, 7 days a week at 800-356-5395.
Open Access
You do not need a referral to enter our services. With our Open Access program, you will be seen as quickly as possible and asked about your history and current symptoms. You will then receive appointments and/or referrals for needed services.
Psychiatrists and Advanced Practice Nurses provide specialized medication services to ease the symptoms associated with mental illness.
Licensed Therapy & Counseling
Licensed Social Workers and Counselors provide individual, family, and group counseling. They will help guide you to personal or team solutions for mental health issues.
Case Management
Community Support Specialists meet with you in your home or at our offices to link you to local resources, provide education regarding mental health diagnoses, and help you reach many other goals you would like to set.
Day Treatment Program
The goal of our day program (called Psychosocial Rehabilitation, or PSR) is to give education and support to help people manage their mental health. The program is made up of groups about coping skills and social skills and also includes community outings.
Crisis Intervention Team
Licensed Social Workers and Counselors provide personal support for those in emergency mental health situations. Someone is available by phone 24 hours a day and available in person during clinic hours. Call 800-356-5395 in case of a psychiatric emergency.
Strategic Overview
Ozarks Healthcare Behavioral Health System is committed to providing exceptional compassionate care to all we serve. To read the OZH Behavioral Healthcare Strategic Overview, click here.