Published on August 16, 2023

Fifteen Nurses Complete Ozarks Healthcare’s Nurse Residency Program

Ozarks Healthcare is thrilled to announce the successful completion of its latest Nurse Residency Program by a group of 15 dedicated and skilled nurses. This intensive program is designed to provide newly graduated nurses with comprehensive training, mentorship, and hands-on experience as they transition into their nursing careers.

Ozarks Healthcare’s Nurse Residency Program, spanning eight weeks, has equipped these 15 newly graduated nurses with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. These exceptional nurses have undergone an intensive curriculum that covers a wide range of clinical and interpersonal skills, ensuring they are well-prepared to deliver exceptional patient care. Ozarks Healthcare's Nurse Residency Program features rotations through different areas of the health system. Graduate nurses spent time in approximately 28-30 areas of the health system over eight weeks.

"We are very proud of the commitment and dedication displayed by our Nurse Residency Program graduates," Katie Johnson, Ozarks Healthcare Nurse Residency Coordinator, said. "They have not only shown exceptional clinical growth but have also embodied our hospital's values of compassion, integrity, and excellence in patient care. We are confident that they will continue to make meaningful contributions to the healthcare community."

Nurses from Ozarks Healthcare’s latest residency cohort have accepted positions in Ozarks Healthcare’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Emergency Department (ED), Medical/Surgical (Med/Surg) Department, Cardiac Step-down Unit (CSU), Obstetrics (OB) Department, Gastrointestinal (GI) Lab, Cancer Treatment Center, and Wound Care clinic.

Ozarks Healthcare’s Nurse Residency Program begins in January and June of each year. To be eligible, applicants must have completed an RN program within six months and have current RN licensure, preferred or scheduled, with successful completion of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) within 90 days. For more information on how to apply, visit or call 417-293-8648.

Applications for Ozarks Healthcare’s January residency cohort will be available beginning Sept. 1 with a deadline of applying being Oct. 1.

Ozarks Healthcare is a not-for-profit health system that serves more than 160,000 residents across south-central Missouri and northern Arkansas. With its main campus residing in West Plains, Missouri, the health system offers a full spectrum of healthcare for all ages through its 114-bed hospital, behavioral health, therapies, pharmacies, rehabilitation, and home care services, along with specialty and family medicine clinics. Ozarks Healthcare has rural locations across an eight-county service area and is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations.

Fifteen nurses recently completed Ozarks Healthcare’s Nurse Residency Program and have joined the health system to start their career. Pictured on back row from left to right are: Jacob Skiles, Nicolas Barraza, Ryder Kincheloe, Latasha Barnes, Shelly Collins, Addie Hicks, and Shawna Sanders. Pictured on middle row from left to right are: Courtney Ennis, Kyla Bunch, Julie Andrews, Nevaeh Cone, Larissa Blanks, and Katie Johnson, Ozarks Healthcare Nurse Residency Coordinator. Pictured on front row from left to right are: Hailey Reid, Heather Day, and Taylor Vonallmen. 

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